Friday, February 09, 2007

The Weekender

Is it ever going to warm up? I feel like I’ve been hibernating. Leaving only for work And that’s no fun. Let’s see how things are heating up in Astoria.

Tonight Waltz brings us the City Beat Opera Singers, a group of seven singers all the early stages of their professional careers. City Beat Opera is devoted to performing traditional and contempory classical and operatic repertoire as well as blending in musical theatre and cabaret genres. No Cover and a $7 drink minimum. Show starts at 9.

Saturday from 12-7pm Waltz opens it’s doors for it’s Mini Arts & Fleas Market. Stop by to support local art and craftiness. I’m not sure what’s up this weekend but a sample of what they offer is jewelry, knitwear, queens inspired items, CDs and more. Sounds like when I get my jewelry cases and photography portfolio in order (finally) I’ll be swinging by to snag myself a very affordable spot. Check out the website if you are interested in becoming a vendor yourself.

Saturday night Hell Gate Social brings us the spinning of Astoria based DJ Lo-Fi. Spinning a complete mix there should be something everyone can enjoy. Free music starts at 9:30.

Another musical-but not free-option is to head to Waltz Astoria at 9:00 for a bossa nova and soul performance by Ranjit & Justin. $5 cover and $7 drink minimum.

Sunday from 12-6 is PS1’s opening day celebration. Check out eight new exhibtions featuring a range of artists, both established and emerging, throughout the building.
While there check out this interesting exhibit called Not For Sale.
"Not for Sale presents unavailable works by some of the art market’s most sought-after talents—artworks that the artists refuse to sell, reserving them for their own collections. Although the choice of medium may vary, ranging from painting, drawing and photography to installation and sculpture, all the work on view is united by the meaning it has for the artists who made it and their desire to hold on to each piece, no matter what the bidding price. Whether big, as in Mark di Suvero’s large-scale steel sculpture in the courtyard, or small, as in Christo’s smallest package, all of these works are decidedly not for sale."

Finally, you can wrap up your weekend at Hell Gate Social where they’re screening the documentary American Hardcore indoors at 8:30. Inspired by Steven Blush's book "American Hardcore: A tribal history" Paul Rachman's feature documentary debut is a chronicle of the underground hardcore punk years from 1979 to 1986. Interviews and rare live footage from artists such as Black Flag, Bad Brains, Minor Threat, SS Decontrol and the Dead Kennedys.

Make it a great one! And stay warm!


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